Listen To This: Plini - Impulse Voices
Plini is hands down my favourite guitar player and his most recent album, Impulse Voices is arguably his best work to date. If you’re not familiar with him, here’s a quick run down.
Plini Roessler-Holgate is an Australian virtuoso guitarist and songwriter who creates some of the most stunning and melodic instrumental prog guitar music you’ll ever hear. He started releasing music in 2011 when he was 19 years old and, over the course of the following 10 or so years penned a catalogue of work that is so rich in harmonic and melodic content you could get lost for hours, dude. He’s also arguably the most well known .Strandberg* Guitars artist; guitars that I absolutely love.
Impulse Voices, the album I reckon you should check out, is the culmination of all those years shaping what’s become one of the most unique voices on the instrument today. It encapsulates so many different styles of playing but the one thing that ties it together is the way Plini can leave enough melodic space to solidify the feel of the track and then absolutely melt your face with licks and lines that have to be heard to be believed.
The main thing that I’ve taken away from Plini’s music is the focus on melodic playing. He’s absolutely got incredible chops but that’s not all lead playing is about. Telling the story and creating a sense of direction is arguably more important and it’s hard not to acknowledge that when you listen to his work.
If you’re a fan of masterful and melodic guitar playing then absolutely check out this album. It’s hard to pick a track from the album that I’d say is my favourite but Pan is the one I always think about when I’m asked about it. The video is below for you to check out.
Let me know if you want more album recommendations and what you think of the album if you check it out!