#BTS: Why Did Chapman Send Me Guitars?

You might have seen my video recently talking about my first experience with Chapman Guitars and the ML3 Pro Modern. I’m going to be completely honest, I was pretty nervous about that video because the question I wanted to ask was if Chapman are even relevant in the current market. It’s kind of an inflammatory question but I decided to go ahead and make the video anyway. What’s the worst that could happen?

Well, when I saw the notification in my DMs from Chapman Guitars you can imagine how I felt. My heart sank. Even though I knew the video spoke highly of the guitar, my brain jumped to worst case scenario and thought I’d pushed a little bit too far. So, I cautiously opened the message…

Turns out Dan at Chapman had watched the video and wanted to say thank you for making a honest review and that he’s happy I liked the guitar! Awesome! He also passed on his details, we got talking, and here we are with two of the Chapman Standard Series models to check out.

But here’s the cool thing, right. I make videos on guitars I think are cool purely for the love of talking about guitars with you guys, the people who watch my videos. Of course, I’d love to work with more brands as I grow but my main goal is just to make YouTube videos I think are fun and entertaining then talk with you guys about them. The fact that Chapman actively saw the video on a relatively young channel like mine and reached out is so awesome of them, dude.

Even after over a decade of making guitars they’re still in the community, keeping an eye on what’s going on with the guitar world, and getting involved and that is so dope. It’s how they started and it’s how they’re still doing things. I respect that a huge amount because it shows they’re guitarists first and a brand second.

So here are the guitars you’ll see coming up on the channel in the near future. We’ve got an ML1 Modern in Slate Black and an ML2 in Deep Red from the standard series. They only arrived yesterday so I’ve only had about an hour with both of them so far but first impressions are really good.

I’m not going to give anything away here, you’ll have to wait for the videos, but there’s one thing in particular about both guitars that I think Chapman are doing better than the majority of brands, especially at this price point.

Thanks to Dan and Chapman Guitars for reaching out and loaning me these guitars. That’s incredibly cool of them and I appreciate the vote of confidence. Also, the videos aren’t sponsored and Dan has asked me to do what I do and be completely honest in my reviews as always (which is why you’re seeing them in the first place) but that’s always a great sign!

Hope you’re looking forward to the videos as much as I am making them. Take care mate, stay safe, I’ll see you later.

Jack 🤘


Learn The Track - Chapman ML2 Standard Demo


Listen To This: Plini - Impulse Voices