Out now on all major streaming platforms

“Ghosts EP”

Tabs & Backing Tracks - Donation

Ghosts is the second EP I’ve released and I’m so stoked it’s out in the wild.

Coming out just 6 months after Distance, I think it represents a clear increase in all the aspects I want to improve in as a guitar player.

That’s the goal for me with releasing music, just improving. I’m not interested in becoming a guitar hero or touring musician or anything like that. All I want is for my music to be something that grows with me as a player and if you guys like it too then I couldn’t be happier.

For tabs and backing tracks click the image to the left and your download will start and, if you feel like supporting me (don’t feel like you have to!) there’s a button below to donate whatever you feel appropriate!

Thank you dudes, I hope you love the EP!