Why I’m Taking A YouTube Vacation (And What That Means…)
Silly photoshopped holiday pictures aside, I am taking a little holiday from posting.
It’s only my next video, due to go out in a week (15th October) but that gives me three whole weeks to take the pressure off. I haven’t taken a dedicated break from YouTube since I started on my first channel, this wasn’t my first one, and right now I need the time to make this channel even better for you and deal with some personal stuff that I want to share with you too.
So here’s what’s going on.
Now that I’ve written it down it seems like a lot…
I wish I was this in shape!
Making more videos
Yes, I’m taking a break to focus on making more videos. Sounds a little backwards but there’s a good reason for it.
At the moment I’m sat on around 12 solid ideas that I’m really excited about making and about a hundred more rough ones that need some figuring out. When I’ve got to think about the next post date looming, it makes it hard to figure my ideas out and I get a bit of tunnel vision so I’m using this time to get my shit together and make some quality stuff for your eye balls.
There’s a handful of reviews, a couple of builds, and some more discussion pieces in the works and there’s no way I’ll get to them all right now but I’m hoping to get ahead of the curve a little bit and have vids scheduled to go out for the coming weeks. Exciting!
Hot Off The Press…Well, Pressing Send At Least
I’ve wanted to start a newsletter for quite a while. A regular email I can send out with loads of cool shit on. Channel updates, licks to learn, album recommendations, personal stories. Just somewhere you can get quality guitar news, tips, and a more personal look at what’s going on with the channel and find out about stuff before anywhere else.
So that’s something I’m going to start putting together too while I’m away and, if you want to get the first one to go out in a couple of weeks you can sign up on my home page.
I do want to make it clear that I’m not gonna spam you with rubbish either. It’ll all be valuable stuff ‘cause I know what it’s like to have an inbox full of garbage. I hate it!
Some Personal Stuff…
Some of you will remember that about a year ago I lost my Dad. Well, it’ll be exactly one year in just over a week and I’m thinking about him a lot lately. I try to stay positive most of the time, I think my Mrs would probably say I don’t take enough stuff seriously, but it’s getting a little difficult for me to stay focused and I’d kind of just like to have some time to get over this part of the year.
Without him I might never have started playing guitar and I know how proud he was of me reaching a thousand subs on YouTube so, if he’d seen where I am now, I’m sure he’d be over the moon. I just want to remember him for a bit if that’s cool while I focus on working on the channel.
Also, some mental health stuff has come to light that I’m taking steps to figure out. I’m not gonna dump all over this blog post and, right now, I’m not going to talk about it in detail in videos or posts or whatever because I want to keep it private. If it ever becomes relevant and I think my experience can help people then maybe I will, who knows?
Solo Music, Hopefully!
I’ve been saying this for the longest time and just collecting riffs but I want to at least finish ONE SONG and put a fucking single out dude! I am frustrating myself with this so I need to get it done. It’s not even like I want to be an artist touring or anything like that. I don’t. But I do want to actually make some music and put it out into the world whether it’s garbage or not because, otherwise, why am I a guitar player? This is totally personal to me but I love writing riffs, I love creating, so why haven’t I put anything out yet? Well it’s time I changed that.
Cheers dudes!
And that’s everything. So, to recap, I’m not going anywhere and I’m not burnt out or anything like that. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. I feel more driven now to make the best stuff I can to show you and I just need a little bit of time to do it without having to post. My next video will be out on the 29th October, I don’t know what it will be yet so it’ll be a surprise to both of us, but I can guarantee it’ll be the same internet guitar idiot stuff I always put out. Who knows if I’ll get to all this stuff but all I can do is try!
Thanks for being here and being interested in what’s going on. It’s people like you that keep me doing what I’m doing. You’re the best!
Take care mate, stay safe. I’ll see you later.